This is the beautiful scene through my front door. The owner, an elderly gentleman, planted daffodils around the perimeter of his garden and on Palm Sunday it seemed like they all bloomed at once! I have been admiring this garden since we moved here almost 4 years ago(our bus stop is on the sidewalk on the side of his garden)and now I have the pleasure of living right across the street from him.
This is going to be a hectic week! Michael will be coming back from Virginia on Thursday, we pick his sisters up on Friday and Kathy and Bobby will be here on Saturday afternoon for Easter. Roger and I have been planning menus, grocery lists, cleaning schedules and being ruled by Shania, Colin and Jake. We are having lasagna, salad and garlic bread with Easter cupcakes(homemade by me! if it's a good fibro day!) for Saturday night and for Easter dinner it will be ham, turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, carrots,rolls, mixed berry trifle, banana split cake and iced tea. Michael leaves for 3 weeks of Annual Training early Monday morning and we take the girls and granddogs back home Monday morning after I get off work and before I do the rest of my shift at 4.
The split shift is working OK...hard to get up and start work at 7 but it's nice at the end of the afternoon to only have 2 more hours to go before I am done with work for the day.
Since Dancing With The Stars and American Idol have started up again, so has my evening TV viewing. I really enjoy DWTS more but the grandsons like AI so I have to watch it as they quiz us weekly when we talk to them on the phone!
This past Friday Roger and I went to St. Louis and visited the Quads(Habitat for Humanity Re-Store, Goodwill, Salvation Army and St. Vincent de Paul) and got some excellent bargains. We ate lunch at Steak and Shake(rare treat) and then took on our weekly trip to Walmart. We hit up the Factory Card and Supply Store and I have plastic pastel dishes for Easter to match the pastel blocked tablecloth I picked up at Kohl's for $5! We will definitely be colorful for Easter!
The Friday before that, we went to the St. Louis Zoo with Michael. He loves the zoo and wanted to get "one more trip in for a long while". Roger enjoyed the benches and I managed to keep up with Michael. I let him do the reptile house alone. He got a lot of pictures and we had fun and I made a lot of memories!
Hopefully things will calm down and I will be a more faithful blogger with blogging and reading after Easter.
Remember to BELIEVE!
Love to all.
That man's garden is so pretty.
Your Easter meal sounds yummy. Sounds like a wonderful day, spending it with family and good food. Have a great week. Hugs!
Have a wonderful family filled Easter!
Sounds like your Easter is going to be PERFECT!
Sending love to you all!!
So glad to hear that life has been filled with memory-making events! Can we come over for Easter dinner? Sounds so yummy and we don't eat THAT much!
Love and hugs,
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