And I probably just jinxed myself!
The computer is back with a new laptop keyboard(not that I use it but it keeps me from having to drag the external one with me if I take the laptop anywhere) and an updated modem from the cable people showing my speed is at 25(?) whatever THAT means but it's the fastest one they have so it should be great for work.
I actually worked THREE days last week and took the computer back to the Dr. to get the keyboard installed. He is great but either really busy or really slow. I still don't have the items downloaded he saved from the old hard drive but working is the name of the game right now so I'll deal with that later.
I think I've been dealing with enough lately, don't you?
Do I hear an AMEN?
Got the dining room carpet cleaned today and doing the living room on Wednesday and that is going to complete my Fall Housekeeping for 2010.
Kiereney found my Fall wreath I've had forever in a closet so it's now on the back door and it looks like Fall at the Campbell Compound.
Wouldn't you know it?
I got my computer back last week and MICHAEL could not Skype because his aircard went AWOL...
He called me on Friday and it was phenomenal!
Roger is hanging in there with the prednisone...definite mood changes but I can roll with that...
MOST of the time anyway.
Life ~should~ calm down now computer wise to enable me to do that.
But then one never knows with this family!
Until then, keep~on~BELIEVING!!!!
And know that I pray for each and every one of my Bloggers that I follow.
Love to all.
Hey Ms. Ness! Good to see things are somewhat coming together up there. I can hear it in your voice and I'm glad :)
We out in blogger land love you too!!
Ness, I agree with Debbie, you sound more uplifted and that makes me smile!! I am glad things are on the mend alittle and maybe you can breathe for a while. I so worry about y'all!!! Now everyone including the computer, stay healthy!!!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
So glad you got your 'puter back and are still working AND a lovely wreath on the door and Back In Commission in general.
How are you feeling today? I so appreciated your message about my Rosie....but please, you guys need the cash right now...I should be fundraising for YOU. I'm so sorry, for all you and your family are going through these days, and though I know deep in my heart that these hard times are indeed what strengthen us as human beings and ultimately our faith in the midst of it all, lets face it....IT SUCKS!
sending you prayers for peace and healing for you and your dear one.
gentle steps
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