Since I married my childen's father we have always gone to the local Veterans Day(and Memorial Day) celebration to honor their Grandpa's brother who was killed in WWII. The kids stood right by their Grandpa during the ceremony.
Last year was the first year without Grandpa. He and his brother were sitting in Heaven looking down about their grandson and great-nephew Michael.
This year I went to the ceremony not only to honor Grandpa and his brother but to honor my son and his friends who are now serving our country.
The picture above is at the ceremony.
If you look straight up the aisle on the left, you will see a man with a tan tshirt and blue hat on. Next to him you will see a woman with the same tan tshirt on(tshirts that represent Michael's unit) with a red, white and blue hat on.
That is Roger and me at the ceremony.
I never felt closer to my son than at that ceremony.
They did it all--placing of the wreath on the Veterans Memorial, flyover at 11:11, presenting of the colors with a bagpiper and a phenomenal 4 star AF General who was in the Pentagon on 9/11 and shared his story.
Lots of patriotic music and they handed us flags to wave before we sat down.
I was surrounded by Veterans of all wars but were taken with the 2 who looked to be Grandpa's age sitting in front of me who kindly shared their war stories with me.
The sun was shining, the breeze was blowing and the town square was filled. Two fire trucks arched their ladders to display a humongous American flag.
I was OK through the ceremony, a few sniifs and stray tears here and there as I have always loved our soldiers long before I knew Grandpa and had a son in the military.
My undoing was the last song the soloist sang...God Bless America.
You see, Michael and Kiereney went to daycare before they were in kindergarten and were taught many songs, Michael's favorite being God Bless America. He would sing it to me all the time with that precious little lisp of his(now gone thanks to speech therapy) and the earnest look on his face was enough to melt your heart.
All I could hear as the soloist sang was my Michael singing that song and I lost it.
I am so proud of my son and his band of brothers and sisters across the world who gave up their freedom to secure ours.
This Veterans Day was different than any other for me.
May Almighty God continue to bless all those who have served and are serving.
Still believing.
Love you all~mean it.
I never forget the sacrifices our men and women in uniform and their families have made for my freedoms!
I know this Veterans Day had to be a little harder than usual hon. Michael will be fine and will return home safely. You guys are in my prayers.
Hugs and love ya!!
GOD BLESS AMERICA! and especially those who selflessly serve to give us our freedom and keep us safe. AMEN!
I absolutely love your photos..they are gorgeous..
sorry i've not been by in a while ness....this is a beautiful heart-full post...God Bless your son, all the sons and daughters who protect us around the world.
veteran always behind the scene until now.. :( they are has prove that they are have sacrife to pay it of the past after war.
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