God broke the mold when this mini tan dachshund was born and my heart broke when she died in my arms of a heart attack in the vet's office this past Friday.
She was the original family dachshund, the only one purchased. The other 3 were rescued.
Out of Shania, Brandy, Katie and Macon we only have Brandy left.
Poor Brandy...I have mistaken her for Shania countless times since Friday.
They are the same coloring but Brandy is bigger but when you glimpse out of the corner of your eye a tan dog you immediately think Shania.
Shania started having trouble breathing when we went to bed Thursday night. Usually she dives under the covers at her daddy's feet but she didn't want any covers on her. I stayed awake all night monitoring her as any mother would do for a sick child. Except for not wanting to eat and panting, she seemed normal. Took her outside and she took care of business. Very restless however. Called the vet and the soonest they could get her in was 3:30.
She took turns staying with Roger or me in our recliners and then wanted down to go to the dining room and lay in the sunshine. Brandy followed her, gave her a bath(something Brandy never did) and laid beside her.
Brandy knew.
Got her to the vet, weighed her (7.2 pounds) and went in the exam room. Within a minute she went limp in my arms and the vet walked in. Got her up on the table and determined that her lungs were full of fluid and that when she went limp in my arms she apparently took a blood clot to the heart and had a heart attack. She was barely breathing and no prognosis of recovering so I held her while she got the shot to go to the Rainbow Bridge. I wrapped her up in her blue baby blanket like a baby and carried her out to the waiting room bawling. They hurriedly got us checked out and brought Shania home.
Her funeral will be when Michael gets home. She was a family dog and will be buried at the family pet cemetery at Kathy's with the entire family present. Michael happened to call on Friday and I told him I thought she was in heart failure and he said, "No, Mom, don't think that...she has a dog virus and they will give her some meds." Very hard sending the email to tell him that the dog he fussed with and picked on since he was 11 would not be here to greet him when he gets home.
I'm going through all the "firsts"...preparing food for both she and Colin, looking for her in the bed to take her out and today when Colin and I came upstairs to work, I always left the TV on in the living room for Shania. Today I turned it off for the first time and cried.
Brandy and Shania were beanbag buddies and slept in the beanbag that Shania is pictured in above. Brandy is a lost soul.
Shania was not simply a dog, she was family.
She had attitude...that's why I named her Shania after Shania Twain because no one can sing a song with more attitude than Shania Twain.
She was Roger and mine's first child.
I hope there are lots of vanilla wafers and a DQ at the Rainbow Bridge. And give a high paw to Katie and Macon for me.
God bless you my little Shania.
Oh Ness, I am crying for both you and your family and for little Shania and your remaining puppy. She was an old girl and you helped her leave this world without pain or distress. My big old Pepper dog is running and jumping with her over the Rainbow Bridge. so sorry.
Oh, sweet Ness with tears flowing I am saying how very sorry I am to hear that your precious Shania has crossed The Rainbow Bridge. If she had to go she could not have been in a better place than your loving arms when she did. Big hugs, you are all in my prayers.
I'm so sorry for your loss. xoxo
A terrible loss. Thinking of you and praying for you, friend. We love you very much.
Oh Ness, I am so sorry. I have shed some tears for you. She died in her Mommy's arms, not a better place to be when she left to go over that rainbow bridge. She knew she was adored and loved. I am sure whatever she needs is over there, plenty of vanilla wafers and DQ. I know Brandy is lonely, I know my 3 are so close, they would sure miss a missing one. I love ya Ness and sending you big hugs and love.
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
Ness, my heart is breaking for you and your entire family. Thank goodness Shania was in your arms when she went to the bridge, she knew how very much you love her and dont forget, she will be at the bridge waiting for you when it is your time..
Our dogs are like children to me, I know some people think I am weird but thats how I was raised. My mom was a real animal lover. it makes me very sad to hear of people losing their furkids.
One thing, keep your senses open. Shania will most like send you another doxie when she is ready.. you will know that it is from her..
Oh Ness. I am so sorry. It is so very hard to lose a pet because they are just like family. I still look over to where my Maggie laid.
I like to think they've become buddies now :)sistah dogs!
Ihr, die mich so geliebt habt seht nicht auf das leben, das ich beendet habe, sondern auf das, welches ich beginne
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