Did anyone get the license plate number of that semi named Monday that gobsmacked me today?
Had to have Kiereney over in St. Louis to the SLU Pain Management Center at 10. Had a Pain Management crisis of someone needing a procedure so was seen at 12. He is a wonderful, caring, knowledgeable doctor. Unfortunately after reviewing her records and talking with us he said he had no treatment to offer outside of the medicine regimen her internist is managing. Life on Percocet...not good.
But then the doctor pressed around the eye where the pain is behind and it gave me an idea. I remember the numerous concussions she had as a child and the wreck we were in in 1994 and asked the Dr. if she could have a nerve impingement or disk injury that an MRI would rule in or rule out. He pressed on the side of her neck and she nearly cleared the table so after getting clearance from her neurosurgeon they are scheduling an MRI for her and if they find a problem, they can inject her with a steroid or nerve block and if it works then they will somehow burn the nerve endings. It's not common to have pseudotumor and another head/neck situation going on but remember, this IS Kiereney.
Roger and I finished the computer station today and moving my stuff down tomorrow before I go to my 2nd shift at 4 p.m. Just too tired to do it for in the morning. The computer should be shipping this week.
Michael is having a great time in Richmond and I'm so happy for him.
I was so saddened to hear that we lost 5 soldiers in Iraq today. I just want all of our soldiers back on American soil NOW!
Glad to see KimD is back in computer world. I missed you so much KimD!
The Ambien is playing its sleeping siren song so must go while I can still remember how to get from the computer to bed.
My prayers and love are with each and every one of you.
And it's still all about BELIEVING!
same darn truck rolled through here the other day... wish the bastid would be blown off the planet... hate those kind of days...
I do hope they find some relief for KJ... this pain and headaches have gone on enough... along time ago.
Love and hugs to you all.
Hope you have found an answer for KJ. Prayers continue. Take care of yourself, mama. Sending lots of love your way.
Hope your Tuesday has been much better than your Monday sweet Ness. Praying all goes well and turns out for the good with Kiereney. I too wish all our people could come home from Iraq. Hugs
Nice to read this post..That`s really great.Really like your post.
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