I should have seen this coming in my formative years...
"Vanessa," said Dad, "I want you to major in business administration."
That wasn't simply a wish but a command. All items that came out of my Dad's mouth were commands.
I didn't DARE ask what business administration was...
If I could have a rewind of that moment, and the guts and mouth I have now, I would have said, "No, Dad. I'm going to be a doctor because down the road I will have a daughter and a husband that will need a doctor frequently, and to be fully prepared, I need my own hospital. Now, make that check out to Johns Hopkin Medical School and make another out to a fund that will grow while I'm in medical school and I will be able to build my hospital when I near graduation. If you're lucky, I'll name it after you, but don't hold your breath."
Roger woke up and when I asked the question how he was feeling, I got more than I bargained for...having trouble breating, felt weak, thought he was beginning a UTI, etc. I called our doctor at 9 when they opened and we have a 1:30 apt. today.
My diagnosis, based on the past? He needs to be admitted, chest x-ray, see if the BOOP lung condition is rearing its ugly head(apt. with pulmonologist is tomorrow), run some cardiovascular testing like enzymes and echocardiogram, do pulmonary function studies, run a urine culture and lab work to check for elevated white blood count indicative of infection, etc.
I always KNOW what to do, but don't have the MD behind my name to order the testing or my own hospital that would take care of everyone regardless of ability to pay or lack of insurance. There would be courtesy, promptness, lack of attitude and both treatment of patient and family because family's concerns should be addressed as well.
Sigh...in a perfect Ness world, I guess.
Hope all my sistah-friends are having a good day and dodging excessive heat and storms. It's hot-hot-HOT here and although my grass needs mowing, Michael will be home tomorrow so I will get my booty kicked if I mow before he gets home. In my world, grass needs mowing once a week no matter how microscopically tall it is. So although to Mr. Consumer it looks fine, it's driving my OCD self crazy!
Hope gives us the ability to float until our ship comes in.
GAH, we all have the best hindsight i would own and run a nursing home that was affordable and staffed with only those who care... not those just there for a measily pay check... and of course would have the millions maybe even billions in the corner to see that it happens...
truth is... in everycase i have seen business takes over the physical care aspect because to get the ones who care you have to pay them and unless you have the cash in hand then the price trickles down to the patient...
it cost my mom over 62 thousand dollars last year to live in a relatively common nursing home...that does not include the price of her medications. it like all of them has its good days and its bad...her biggest complaint is lack of staff to meet residents needs and the food... I have seen it... some days it looks better than others ...of course. GAH...
I hope all is well the correct tests are run and Roger is helped and sent home to recover.
Love you guys.
We have a nurse in the family but we need a full medical team in our family - including every know specialist!!!
Oh Ness, I pray that Roger is okay and that he does not have to be admitted to the hospital. Poor guy!
My dad wanted me to be an attorney. I refused, but my brother didn't. Supposedly one of the reasons for his death was too much stress on the job. Doesn't job stress come with the role of being an attorney? Strange world we live in...
Let Michael mow the lawn. You do enough!
Hugs and love,
Before my Dad died when I was 4 1/2 he said I'd be Miss America. Sometimes they are wrong LOL. He possibly would have changed that as he saw me grow.
Yes, to have millions and help others would be a wonderful life.
I pray for Roger because this weather can be brutal on the lungs!!
Take care of Ness too ♥
I just love your passion and Laura too...between all of us we could have really helped the world...in a better world and a different time. My dad never wanted me to be anything...I guess he thought that was all I was capable of...
If I could turn back time, I would have packed my bags at age 17 and gone to school at UNLV, where I was accepted.. I would be a lawyer right now, probably retired with a huge pension.....
instead I had to marry an asshole and waste 21 yrs. too bad we cant turn back time, huh? LOL
Sorry to hear Roger is under the weather Ness, you know the saying, "behind every good doctor is a great nurse"... hugs!!
Oh Ness, I can soooo relate to this (although my sister did go to medical school and IS a doctor and my brother is an ER Nurse and my Dad is a doctor)...sometimes between my own health issues and my daughters, I feel like I could diagnose and recommend treatment at times too....and my poor hubby...well he has learned nursing skills on the fly to care for us...what a surprising world...I never wanted to be a medical professional and neither did my husband, but you never know how things are going to work out when you are young.
Sending healing energy out to you and your family!
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