My Cards are in the playoffs again this year!
Last year they came back from being 10-1/2 games out to winning the World Series.
Friday they beat an Atlanta Braves picture who hadn't lost a game since 2010!
Sunday we started playing the Washington Nationals in St. Louis.
It SO wasn't my fault! I was coaching my little heart out from my recliner. Some unnamed family member said not only could they hear me through the TV but in the dugout 16 miles west of us in St. Louis!
But I can't beat a manager who took a phenomenal pitcher out of the game WAAAAY too early and a team that couldn't put some hits together and left 3 men stranded on base in one inning.
(and there's ALWAYS a but)
We play again TODAY at 4:07 CST.
Gotta WIN!!!!!
For then we go to Washington DC to play the last 3 games. Best 3 out of 5 and we HAVE to win today to take one game with us to DC.
I so wish my son could see that DC game....he's 2 hours away.
But I'm sure the tickets are astronomical and not in his budget.
At least he can watch on TBS who is hosting the National League playoffs.
Now, ISN'T that a face you just have to smile right back at?
Colin was riding shotgun in the truck when we went to St. Louis last week to pick up Kiereney and Kiereney got this pic of him with his teeth.
This is known as his "shit-eating grin" used most frequently when he wins a bite of my supper, wants a back or belly rub and I surrender and just wants to let us know who we are owned by...
I love this little 3 year old!
He got a new harness Friday with~wait for it~SHERPA-LINED arm pit straps as to not chafe him.
For $30 I wanted a Segway thrown in so I could ride while he did his walking every day. Not sure how I would be getting exercise benefit but it was a thought...
So we did our initial (can't think of the word I want) walk today and made it 20 minutes from our porch and back. He walks with a Budweiser Clydesdale horse gait, almost prancing.....
And I got the "teeth smile~see above pic) again when we were done.
Leaves are falling and I am beyond thrilled to see that our droughted Illinois trees are putting on their most colorful best bibs and tuckers for my benefit....
Of COURSE, MY benefit...
WHO is the Fall lover here?
I wear many crowns you know....
I am the Prozac Princess
The Queen of Fall
The Countess of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
and the Ambassador Elite of Attitude
among others that escape me for the moment.
Which reminds me....
Anyone get the catalogue "The Best of the Other Side of Life"?
I am also the Quote Duchess.
They have THE BEST quote Tshirts anywhere, hands down!
Plus a few items that made me blush, even more when my daughter and her boyfriend (aka my boyfriend in-law) looked at it and found the donut shaped soap for guys
But I digress...
We are decorated for Fall, already made Smores, will be doing a weiner roast on the 19th for Kelli's THIRTY-FIFTH birthday(I'm WAAAY TOO YOUNG
to have a 35-year-old daughter!)
I started the weiner roast birthday tradition in 1979 when she turned 2 and we had just moved to the Green Acres of Williamson County, Illinois. We drank my dad's grape KoolAid(he got it from Jim Jones) and bought this saaad looking place. No finished walls in the bathroom, no heat, etc.
But it had a big yard (5 acres) so we decided since the house was not near party mode, we would have a weiner roast for Kelli's birthday and invited her godparents and family friends. She LOVED it!
So most of the years since, that's how she wants to celebrate her birthday.
I haven't had apple cider yet but it's on the list.
Giving up the pumpkin patch and hayride this year cause Cade and Carter went with their church group and we don't know if Auntie Ness would have made it up into the wagon, much less down.
Another place that gets no trick or treaters, much to Roger's dismay so we won't be doing that either.
The best costume I ever made for my kids is the one I made Michael when he was about a clear dry cleaner bag from the cleaners, inflated a bazillion colored balloons, put leg holes in the bottom of the bag, he got in, we stuffed balloons around him and tied a big orange bow around his neck and he was a bag of jelly beans. He wasn't sure about it but every house on his route thought he was adorable. I was smiling until we got home and he said, "Do we have to save this costume?" and I said, "No." so he popped every blessed balloon in it! He was given the mother who HATES the sounds of balloons popping (extremely bad startle reflex) so I got paid back for that brilliant idea.
You have been warned should you use this idea.
Well, my left arm is better so I'm going to put my prescription pill boxes together for the week and pick up my crocheting and spend the rest of the day holding the recliner down.
And just so you know I am becoming famous, the lead story in the Sports Section on Saturday morning said "Cardinals Believed and Won!"
See what believing can do for you?
Have a phenomenal week and DON'T STOP BELIEVIN'
Go CARDS!!! Hoping for a great fall, o Mighty Princess of Prozac.
from your everlasting friend,
the finder of all things thrift shopping
yeah Cards!! And let me just say...about your comment, I didn't comment because I couldn't access your blog then I didn't comment because I had just talked to you and nothing had changed!!! So come on over here and give me a smack down, then we'll go thrifting and have some ya.
Your Cards TOTALLY deserved to win - and that is from an Atlanta girl! I was mortified at how the fans behaved during that game. Seriously, we're southern. We know better!!!! :)
Glad you enjoying Fall. It's cooling down a little here. LOVING it!
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