
31 August 2008

Please Pray and Hold Good Thoughts

for all those in the path of Gustav. One of my bloglinks, Overflowing Brain, lives in NOLA and she and her husband are safely in Nashville. She has just made a heartfelt post that is worth a read. She has already been told that her school will not rebuild if the school is damaged again.

I am glad to see those involved with the Republican Convention are making adjustments in their schedules and will be preparing for the hurricane as well.

We all have to pull together.

Missouri National Guard troops have already been called to the ready. Michael's Illinois National Guard troop was just deployed to Iraq but knowing Michael, he will head back from Virginia early and pitch in where he is needed even though he is on Federal orders and not on State orders.

I have been glued to cable news channels listening to the latest and watched people load on busses/trains/plans and walk away from their lives. They have already started food drives and sending people from where I live to open and staff shelters in neighboring states to accept the people who are fleeing from Louisiana.

This could be any of us from California's earthquakes to the Midwest's catastrophic tornadoes to the blizzards of the Northeast. There is no perfectly safe place to live. Sad to say, any of us at any given time could be facing perils just like Louisiana and neighboring states are later today.

We all just have to stick together and do what we can as we are able.

My prayers are with those who face the evils of Gustav and the hearts of the American people to help those who can't help themselves.


Steph said...


Thank you so much for posting this. Part of my family still lives in NOLA, but they have gone to my cousin's house to get out of the path of the storm. I did a big post on my blog about the storm as well.


Unknown said...

Thank you for this heartfelt reminder!
My prayers are with those in the Gulf region and their families who will share the anxiety.

~AirmanMom returning to her blog...

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

Keeping everyone in the potentially effected states in my prayers.


Tracy said...

Thanks for posting this Ness-all those affected have been in my thoughts and prayers. Rodney received a call this afternoon and will possibly be sent to the Gulf region with his unit-kinda scary for me since he is still having so many medical issues-so keep him in your prayers too. Love the Wedding pics above!!!! You look so pretty!

Overflowing Brain said...

Hey Ness, thanks again for the good thoughts and prayers. I know they played a big part in our city's successful weathering of the storm.