Roger and I have spent the majority of the day putting together a new corner computer desk with hutch for the dining room. I am moving my laptop downstairs for Roger to operate from the recliner and QVC enticed me with Easy Pay to purchase a new Dell Desktop with 1 TB hard drive and 6 GB ram. I have never liked my laptop for work. It's hard to transcribe medical dictation on a laptop even with an accessory keyboard. No doubt this will be my last computer purchase but I also needed a place to do my bills, etc. so this desktop and corner computer hutch should solve the problem. It will be nice to be down near Roger in the living room instead of sequestered upstairs in our bedroom. The present humongous desk in the bedroom will serve as a cutting table when I sew. Michael is currently in the sewing room so I can sew in my bedroom now.
The woman roaring title refers to the fact that I learned how to put a piece of furniture together and did a lot of it unassisted. Roger is used to "being the man" so his wife assembling furniture had to be a little disconcerting but I told him that at least I will be a self reliant widow thanks to his training. And it so fits in with my OCD!
In other news, Kiereney met with her new internist at SLU(St. Louis University Hospital System) and really likes him. He is very friendly and just perfect for her. She goes to SLU to see a Pain Management doctor this week. She is determined to start CNA school this fall and get on with her life. And I couldn't be happier both for her or for me!
Colin has a new friend called Mon Chi Chi...a stuffed soft monkey toy. He latched on to Cade's miniature Curious George monkey last weekend so I found this one while picking up meds at Walgreens and bought it. He is man enough to deal with a pink, yellow and purple striped monkey with big red lips and a red butt. :-)
Cade's FIFTH birthday party is this weekend(where did the years go?) and we will be going down to celebrate. It's just the Roger, Ness, Colin, Mon Chi Chi and Jake the cat show and leaving the others at home. I need a mental health break!
I have pics of Mon Chi Chi and will post the completed pics of the computer desk later. The computer is being shipped.
Michael is in Richmond, VA catching up with his friends. Still hard to believe he is back...almost surreal. He still has an Afghanistan deployment in his blood much to Mom's dismay but it is what it is and I will deal if/when it comes up.
Don't stop believing...ever!
Will be back to post on Monday.
Have a phenomenal weekend!
thanks for the call sorry was so ... crazy here... seems we are always into something... will talk soon have fun this weekend and enjoy cades b day ! love ya hugs
it sounds like your world is getting back to normal, that has to feel good to you!!
I must see mon-chi-chi! LOL
Wow--that's quite a computer +desk you've got there. I'd love to have that much space on a computer. Alas, my laptop is more soothing for my Fibromyalgia than sitting hunched over the desk! Enjoy!
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