Happy 4th of July to our Country!
Happy Birthday to my buddy Austin, son of our beloved Ervin and Alice!
Happy 59th Anniversary to my parents, Lucius and Margaret!
Happy 4th of July to my Sistah Bloggers!
I've been a June and a September bride, but now I wish we would have married on the 4th. I know it's hard to choose going to a wedding vs. having your own 4th of July celebration and that is why I did not do it. But now I wish I had.
This year we are doing something besides our usual staying home and watching fireworks on TV. Last year we were going to do this to get my mind off of Michael flying to the Sinai but I backed out. Figured I'd better be home in case something went wrong(my positivity at its finest...)
On 4th of July the five of us are going to Westview Wine and Bistro in Collinsville, IL. I made reservations last night. It's worth the Google just to read the menu. They have outdoor patio/inside seating that overlooks the bluffs and the view of the St. Louis fireworks at the Arch is supposed to be phenomenal. The celebration starts at 6 and the fireworks around 9:30 so we will nosh on some good sounding appetizers, salads, entrees and dessert and I'm sure wine, beer and Coke(soda) will be involved. I'm not much of a drinker between my family history of alcoholics and the medications I am on so I'm happy to drink Coke, absorb the music, the atmosphere, the food and the view and enjoy Michael being in the US with us this year. I'm sure pics will be involved and I will share those with you. If it rains, we can go inside and watch out the windows.
The furkids will be at home monitoring the taping of the Boston Pops 4th of July and any other celebrations I would normally be watching.
Sometimes change is good.
Making memories is paramount.
In other news, Kiereney has been in Columbia, South Carolina for the past few days attending her boyfriend's Army Basic graduation. This was a solo trip for her at the generosity of her brother who provided his car and funding. We all should have such brothers. Ken, her boyfriend, will do his AIT training at Ft. Eustis, VA for the next 31 weeks and then who knows where he will end up. They have known each other since junior high and she thought he was a nuisance then. :-) He is truly, madly and deeply in love with her. I'm not sure she knows her own heart yet with all the medical probs she's had for the last 3 years but time will tell.
Kelli's new Dr. started her on a medicine regimen to rule out other problems before the MRI for MS was done and she couldn't handle the meds so we're back to Square 1. She and Kiereney have the same Dr. and I really like him. He takes an interest in his patients and with being affiliated at a teaching hospital, I'm sure the girls will have the best of care. Kiereney's MRI is next week and then we know if there are other brain problems besides the pseudotumor causing the pain.
Roger and I had back to back Dr. appointments with our doctor yesterday. He was very pleased with Roger and doesn't have to see him for 3 months. Me, not so much. He has a PA who I see between my 6 month appointments with him so haven't seen him since December. He was not happy with my personality change. He wanted to know where his happy, kick butt and take names girl went and who was this quiet one that had replaced her.
I couldn't tell him.
So he upped my Prozac to 80 mg, and wants to see me in a month. If that doesn't help then I have maxed out the Prozac and he will have to supplement with another drug. I think I'm just worn out with all the family happenings. Maybe even PTSD? I usually keep my thoughts to myself and let him play doctor. I hate to lead the witness...so we will see what's going on next month.
In the meantime, I've been voraciously reading library books, playing on the computer and listening to Barry ad nauseum(is there such a thing?) Discovering my room after having put up the bed and lined the wall with boxes when we moved(gasp) 2 years ago in October and Goodwill has been benefitting from my new minimalist lifestyle. The room is going to be in black and medium blue, almost a gray blue. Black framed quotes, my Believe plaques and some type of valance curtain over the 2 windows which I will make when I find the material I want. I'm enjoying the sanctuary I'm creating for Roger and me.
Have a happy, healthy and safe holiday weekend and keep on Believin'.
Thanks for the b-day wishes Aunt Ness! We can't wait to hug your neck this fall. I am glad I gett to celebrate my birthday on your parent's anniversary. They created a pretty spectacular person!! Love, Austin
I have been meaning to thank you for the call a couple of weeks back! Mark told me that you called after I came out of the shower and of course, the day got away from me and then time and then, well, you know how it goes!
I am glad to hear that you are doing some things to make you and Roger feel comfortable and safe within your little cocoon! Lord knows you deserve it! I hope that it helps to bring "happy Ness" back. Focus on taking care of yourself and doing things that make you feel nurtured and loved.
You are never far from my thoughts and my heart.
Love you,
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